Monday, 7 January 2013

Honesty is an over-respected virtue

Luckily enough, I have saved all the emails and messages sent between me and the platform and I have gathered all the evidence on my issue.

The main controversy: What they have promised versus what they have provided. It is obvious and clearly visible that the main promises did not come true and I was badly scammed. I based my whole webfolio purchase on the following statements made by the members of the platform:

"We would never pass anyone on the test shoot that couldn't make money sweetheart or it would be a waste of not only your time but mine also." -Natalie

--> Yes, I passed. I have not got any help in making money and getting jobs. I only got a list of agencies where I could send the portfolio by myself. I did not get help in a way that was promised. More information in the following email sent on 6th of November 2012:

"We will most definitely help you in any way we can to gain you work out of the industry and support you on any job you do get. You are most definitely not on your own after your portfolio I will be here to support you every step of the way. If you are successful you will automatically go onto our website, free of charge of course, with a picture of yourself, your name, your age and also your model reference number."  -Natalie

--> At my case, nothing came true. I have not got any support (instead of the lists of the agencies, which has nothing to do with personal help and support). And most importantly: My pictures did not go onto the platform's website; not the picture of myself, not my name, age or the reference number. This is the main issue I will raise up on the table and which I have emphasized since the very beginning. This is the only single promise I based my whole purchase on. And it failed. And I remained unemployed and lost my money.

                           Don't do the same mistake. Don't be cheated, dear girlies. :)


  1. Thank you Maria! This was very helpful for me since I've wanted to make a portfolio somewhere -anywhere- for a long time and I could have easily stepped in this same scam. You are my hero :D Thank you and all the best to your life!

    London, Kensington

    1. No no: Thank YOU :) It is important to hear about other people's experiences and reactions and time after time realise the importance of raising awareness on these issues. I do not want anyone to be scammed and I feel that someone has to stand up and speak up for everyone's sake.

      You will find another place to make your pictures, I'm sure about that. Good luck in the research! I don't dare to recommend any company to you, as I can never say 100% sure which is true and which is not. You have to find it out yourself. Let me hear about your experiences once you step into the industry! :)
